This project (2018-1-PT01-KA203-047361) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Self Need Assessment

This toolkit allows students to carry out a self-evaluation of their knowledge on selected Math topics.

Video Collection

A collection of reviewed video lessons on several Math topics.

Video Lessons

A collection of specifically created video lessons on selected Math topics.

Teaching material

A collection of teaching and learning material to support students in the acquisition of competences on selected Math topics.

Latest News

Sixth Partners' Meeting (Online)

The sixth meeting took place online on 23 June 2021. Ana Pereira from IPB (PT) and Lorenzo Martellini from Pixel (IT) presented to the partners the current situation for the intellectual outputs. The three of them are completed and available for the target groups on the project website. The meeting was also to discuss and present the impact of COVID on project activities and related impact on the project budget.


Students' Online Comunity

The online Students' Community of Practice is available on the project portal. The aim is to foster the exchange of experiences among math students registered on the platform and have a direct contact with the lecturers to receive guidance and suggestions.


Lecturers' Community

The online Lecturers' Community of Practice is available on the project portal. The aim is to foster the exchange of teaching experiences among math teachers. All lecturers registered on the portal have the possibility to participate in the online discussions and share their ideas with the other colleagues.




Students' assessment toolkit

The students' assessment toolkit is very useful as students can use it for practice.

Aisling Lynch

Aisling Lynch

MathE Platform

As a lecturer I find really useful the MathE Platform. The students can use it for self assesment, and the lecturers for final assessment.

Alessio Caminata

Alessio Caminata

Video lessons are most useful

Student self-assessment and video lessons are most useful for me because it helps to practice more problems ranging from simple to difficult and also helps with the videos on the given topic for the difficult problems that we cannot solve. And also, there is help from the teachers and fellow students for our confusion and doubts through community of practice. My suggestion would be if it can include more topics from calculus and discrete mathematics like surface integrals, set theory, etc

Amit Kandel

Amit Kandel
