This project (2018-1-PT01-KA203-047361) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Work in Progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.

Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

Partners' Institution:
Fundatia EuroEd

Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2018 - 31 August 2021

Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management

Objectives of activities carried out:
The main activities were:
1. Organize all project documentation.
2. Produce the MathE logo
3. Produce the MathE brochure
4. Produce the MathE brochure in the project partners’ languages
5. Proofread the MathE brochure
6. Offer support to ‘Gheorghe Asachi’ Technical University of Iasi, in order to produce an ovearleaf document to share the 30 questions per topic
7. Organise meetings with lecturers.
8. On-going dissemination activities.

Description of activities carried out:
EuroEd is constant involved in both internal meetings within EuroEd, but local also involving the other Romanian partner; to discuss the status of the project and check the calendar of activities and the quality of production of the results.
EuroEd support the entire Romanian team in terms of administration and financial reporting actions.
EuroEd checked and supported the production in Romanian of the PM1.1) Creation of all the templates for carrying out the activities.
EuroEd supported the Univ to deal with the task of involving target group within the project: 8 lecturers and 42 students.
EuroEd supported the fill in of the documents: Template: PM1.A – Student Information; Template: PM1.B – Lecturer Information; Template: PM1.C – Role of the target groups. EuroEd dealt with uploading on the project portal of the related information.
Production and Uploading of Project Activities Report Forms. EuroEd dealt with all the reporting actions necessary. Production of PM1.D – In progress activities reports.
Production of Project Financial Report. EuroEd followed the PM1.E – Financial Manual and PM1.F – Financial Forms.
In terms of dissemination, EuroEd did the translation into Romanian of the project brochure. Involve in proofreading tasks related to dissemination materials. EuroEd is on-going involved in dissemination activities. Evidences have been uploaded on the project portal.
In terms of exploitation, EuroEd have been involved in different actions to promote the project and to attract potential interest stakeholders. EuroEd dealt with PM3.2) Involvement in the project of 6 organizations operating in the field of education, who will join the project as associated partner filling in the Associate partner form. They were inserted as Associate Partners on the project portal. EuroEd dealt also with PM3.3) Publication of announcements on 8 portals or websites addressed to teachers.

Results Achieved:
- Online Database of Target Groups: 8 lecturers and 43 students
- In progress Project Activities Report – every reporting period
- Project Financial Report
- Project brochure in Romanian
- On-going dissemination events
- MathE_Partners Dissemination Report
- 6 letters of participation in the project as associate partners
- 8 exploitation links
- 27 evaluation questionnaires collected
- PM4.F – Evaluation report on testing activity_RO