This project (2018-1-PT01-KA203-047361) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


This section is meant to facilitate the sharing of information among partners as far as the dissemination events carried out are concerned.

A description of the event, the number of people participating and the evaluation of the event are available for each dissemination event.

Partners' Institution:
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi

Name of the person involved in the event:
Marcel Roman

Date of the event:
15 July 2021 - 15 July 2021

Type of Dissemination event:
Conference or Fair

Target group:
Training Agencies

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
Iasi (Romania)

Description of Dissemination Event:
The Multiplier Event gathered 40 local participants from outside the MathE project partnership.

The aim of the event, concerning the involvement of target group, was to bring together staff members from the academic sector, universities, to share their experiences in working in European projects, and to transfer to the pre-university sector.
All the participants are working in the education sector and their registrations for participation in the MathE Multiplier event, have been accepted based on their interest in increasing their knowledge and competences in developing Erasmus+ projects. In this context, the MathE project has been presented as an example.

Outcomes and Results:
40 participants
MathE project folders
MathE project pens
MathE project flyers

Supporting Documents: